Sorry, that was a dumb question. But, I've seen too many crummy commercials lately and it's so agritating![ a mixture of aggravating and irritating] I've seen Dora the Mermaid,  Krazy Glue Bungee Jumping, and don't even start about Bratz Cats! But, I just saw the randomest and weirdest commercial ever! It is for the product SOY SOX! It's socks made entirely out of soy sauce and soybeans! Their jingle is: soy sox are a super vegan treat, and you dont eat them, you can put them on your feet. They're soy sox! 2 for 200 dollars or 1 for 450 dollars. If you add 100 dollars,  we'll give you one dollar in return! But if you call right now, we will send the socks to you! buy 600 chinchillas and we will give you a coupon for ten cents off for a one ounce bottle of marshmallow lotion! Lotion for your marshmallows! okay g2g ttylxox!
craven food
4/19/2012 04:24:55 am

I no so annoying rite? but i do like watching tv for homework!!!


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